Muhammad Soban Rasheed


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About Me

A highly motivated and detail-oriented Computer Scientist with over 2 years of experience in developing modern web and mobile applications. Proven expertise in leveraging front-end technologies like HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Material-UI, JavaScript and React for creating dynamic and user-friendly interfaces. Skilled in back-end development with Node.js, MongoDB and Python Flask as well as building cross-platform mobile apps using React Native. Demonstrated adaptability and flexibility in working with cross-functional teams to overcome challenges and achieve common objectives. Passionate about staying at the forefront of technology trends to drive success in software development.

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Full Stack Developer & React Native Developer

  • Highest Education: Bachelor of Science
  • Majors: Computer Science

Demonstrated expertise in backend development using Python Flask and Node.js, creating and optimizing API endpoints. Skilled in designing RESTful interfaces and ensuring secure and efficient data communication between applications.
Experienced in developing scalable web and mobile applications, specializing in React, React Native, and leveraging cloud technologies for efficient solutions.
Proven ability in front-end development with HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Material-UI, JavaScript and React creating dynamic and user-friendly interfaces.

Frontend Development

Backend Development

Mobile App Development


Comsats University Logo

Comsats University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus

Bachelor of Science
(Computer Science)

August 2020 - Aug 2024

Relevant Coursework:
Database Mangement, Web Technologies, Artifical intelligence, Machine Learning, Mobile Application Development , Data Structure , Object-Oriented Programming







React Native

Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast


MySQL Lite






Tailwind CSS





Jan 2023 - Aug 2023

MERN Stack Developer

  • Designed and implemented full-stack web applications using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) to deliver scalable and high-performance solutions for client projects.
  • Developed and maintained RESTful APIs endpoints to support seamless data exchange between frontend and backend systems, enhancing application performance and user experience.
  • Utilized MongoDB to manage and optimize database schemas for efficient data storage and retrieval, handling large datasets with high reliability.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to translate business requirements into technical specifications, ensuring alignment and successful project delivery.
  • Integrated third-party services and APIs to extend application functionality, including payment gateways, authentication services, and external data sources.
  • Implemented responsive and interactive user interfaces using React and Material-UI, providing users with a modern and intuitive experience.

Essay Shark

April 2023 - Present

Freelance MERN Stack Developer, React Native Developer, and Flask Developer

  • Developed and maintained full-stack web applications using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), ensuring high performance and scalability for client projects.
  • Built and deployed cross-platform mobile applications using React Native, delivering intuitive and responsive user experiences for iOS and Android platforms.
  • Designed and implemented RESTful APIs and backend services using Flask, enabling seamless communication between frontend and backend systems.
  • Collaborated with clients to gather requirements, provide technical guidance, and deliver tailored solutions that met their business needs and objectives.
  • Optimized database schemas and queries in MongoDB to handle large datasets efficiently, ensuring fast data retrieval and reliable performance.
  • Integrated third-party services and APIs to extend application functionality, including payment gateways, authentication services, and external data sources.
  • Implemented responsive and interactive user interfaces using React and Material-UI, providing users with modern and intuitive experiences.


WhatsApp Web Clone

MERN Stack, Google Authentication,, WebRTC Jun 5, 2023
  • Developed a WhatsApp Web clone using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), enabling seamless real-time communication and a rich user experience.
  • Implemented Google Authentication for secure and convenient user login, ensuring robust access control and user management.
  • Integrated real-time one-to-one chat functionality using, allowing users to exchange messages instantly and reliably.
  • Added features for sending documents and making video calls using WebRTC, enhancing communication capabilities and user engagement.
  • Designed and developed a stunning and responsive user interface using React and Material-UI, providing a modern and intuitive user experience.
  • Ensured data consistency and reliability by optimizing MongoDB schemas and queries, handling large volumes of chat data efficiently.
  • Conducted comprehensive testing and debugging to ensure the application's performance, scalability, and security, delivering a high-quality product.


React, styled-components, axios, react-easy-crop, Flask Jul 16 , 2024
  • Developed an innovative image captioning application that allows users to upload images or provide an image URL to receive descriptive captions.
  • Implemented advanced algorithms to analyze images and generate accurate and meaningful captions, providing users with insightful descriptions.
  • Built the frontend using React, styled-components, axios, and react-easy-crop, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience.
  • Integrated Flask for the backend to handle image processing and caption generation efficiently.
  • Enabled image upload from local devices and online URLs, offering flexibility and convenience for users.
  • Included an optional image cropping feature, allowing users to adjust the size and portion of the image before generating captions.
  • Displayed all uploaded images and their generated captions in a gallery format, providing an organized and visually appealing interface.
  • Ensured the app is responsive, delivering a consistent experience across both desktop and mobile devices.

Health Care Application

MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js Aug 13, 2023
  • Developed a comprehensive Health Care application with separate modules for patients and doctors, built using the MERN stack.
  • Created a responsive web application with distinct login systems for patients and doctors, ensuring secure and role-specific access.
  • Implemented patient features including viewing doctor schedules, booking appointments, tracking appointment history, and accessing medical records with detailed doctor recommendations.
  • Designed doctor features to manage appointments, send cancellation notifications to patients, and maintain patient medical records efficiently.
  • Ensured a visually appealing and user-friendly interface, enhancing the overall user experience for both patients and doctors.
  • Followed Agile development principles, utilizing Git for version control and collaborative development.

SocializeHub Web Application

React, Vite, Supabase Nov 14, 2023
  • Developed a complete social media application using React, Vite, and Supabase, enabling users to interact and share content seamlessly.
  • Implemented user authentication, allowing users to securely log in and manage their accounts.
  • Designed features for users to view, like, comment on, and share posts, fostering community engagement and interaction.
  • Enabled users to upload and manage their posts, providing a platform for sharing multimedia content.
  • Created a responsive and visually appealing user interface, ensuring a smooth user experience across various devices.
  • Utilized Supabase for real-time data handling and storage, ensuring efficient and scalable backend services.

Player Profiler Rating Website

React, Vite, Node.js, MySQL, Prisma, Docker May 11, 2024
  • Developed a comprehensive platform for rating players across various sports using React, Vite, Node.js, MySQL, Prisma, and Docker.
  • Implemented an admin panel with secure authentication, allowing administrators to add, delete, and update player profiles seamlessly.
  • Integrated Wikipedia API to enrich player profiles with additional data and enhance the search functionality.
  • Designed a user dashboard where users can sign up, log in, and rate players from 1 to 10 in real-time, with sleek and engaging player cards providing quick insights.
  • Enabled users to add custom content to player profiles, explore detailed profiles using Wikipedia API, and securely log out of the system.
  • Ensured a dynamic and efficient system by utilizing Docker for containerization and Prisma for database management.

Socialbot Connect

React Native CLI, GPT API Sep 7, 2023
  • Developed an Android app using React Native CLI and GPT API to serve as an ultimate content companion for social media users.
  • Implemented personal chatbot text integration, allowing users to interact and generate dynamic summaries for their social media posts.
  • Designed features to create targeted hashtags, enhancing the visibility and reach of users' content.
  • Focused on a professional yet user-friendly interface to simplify content creation and elevate social media engagement.


Machine Learning, Convolutional Neural Network, VGG16, OpenCV, Python Sep 27, 2023
  • Developed a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model based on the VGG16 architecture for vehicle classification, specifically distinguishing between cars and bikes.
  • Utilized OpenCV for image processing and data augmentation to enhance the training dataset and improve model performance.
  • Trained the VGG16-based CNN model on a dataset of vehicle images, achieving high accuracy in classifying cars and bikes.
  • Optimized the model to improve classification speed and accuracy, ensuring efficient real-time vehicle classification.
  • Implemented an automated data storage system to log classification results for future reference and analysis.

Other Small Projects

  • Tourism Mangement System Using (Html Css JavaScript ,PHP and MySql)

  • Spotify Clone in (React Native)

  • Resume Builder Website using (MERN Stack)

  • Travelling App Using (React Native NodeJS and MongoDB)

  • Burger_Point_Website Using (MERN Stack)

  • Snake Ladder Game Using (React Native)

  • BarCode_Scanner Using (React Native)

  • WallArt App Using (React Native)

  • ATM-Mangement-Sytem Using ( and Mysql)

  • Expense-Calculator Using (React)

  • Ecommerce-Website Using (React, Redux , Nodejs and MySql)

  • 30 + More Projects

Final Year Project

SightlessGuide: Navigate, Detect, Read and Call-All by Voice

Final Year Project


SightlessGuide is a comprehensive Android application designed to enhance the independence and safety of visually impaired individuals. Leveraging advanced technologies like YOLO v8, ResNet50, and various voice recognition modules, the app provides real-time object detection, currency recognition, navigation, weather updates, and text scanning capabilities, all controlled through voice commands.

  • Real-time Object Detection
    Technology Used: YOLO v8
    Dataset: Open Image V7
    Functionality: Continuously captures images to identify and describe objects in real-time, providing auditory feedback to the user.
  • Real-time Currency Detection
    Technology Used: ResNet50 model
    Functionality: Recognizes and describes different currency notes, providing details via voice.
  • Real-time Navigation
    Functionality: Provides route guidance from source to destination based on voice input. The app automatically retrieves the user's current location when the navigation module is activated. Voice Control: Allows users to set destinations and receive real-time route guidance and alerts through voice commands.
  • Weather Updates
    Functionality: Retrieves and analyzes current weather data based on the user's location, delivering weather reports and suggestions via voice.
  • Text Scanner
    Functionality: Activated by double-tapping, this feature captures images of text, analyzes and extracts the text, then converts it to speech and reads it aloud.
  • Emergency Contacts Registration
    Facilitators register emergency contacts during the initial registration process. Voice Calling: Users can call emergency contacts by name using voice commands.
  • Voice Command Control Module Switching
    Users can switch between modules (object detection, navigation, weather, etc.) using voice commands. Automatic Location Retrieval: The app automatically retrieves the user's current location when the navigation module is activated.
  • Registration: Facilitators assist users in registering by entering personal details and adding up to 4 emergency contacts. Confirm the registration and proceed to explore the app's features.
  • Using Object Detection: Activate the object detection module through a voice command. The app will continuously capture images and describe detected objects via voice.
  • Currency Detection: Activate the currency detection module by saying the relevant voice command. The app will capture and identify currency notes, providing descriptions through voice.
  • Navigation: Activate the navigation module by voice. Set your destination using a voice command. The app will automatically fetch your current location, calculate the route, and provide guidance and alerts.
  • Weather Updates: Activate the weather report module via voice. The app will retrieve current weather data, analyze it, and provide a verbal weather report with suggestions.
  • Text Scanner: Double-tap to activate the text scanner. The app will capture an image of the text, analyze and extract the text, and read it aloud.
  • Emergency Contacts: Register emergency contacts during the initial registration. Call emergency contacts by saying their name using a voice command.